Thursday, December 31, 2009

All shopped up and ready to go!

Got out on Monday afternoon for a little shopping with my son. He wanted to go to Best Buy to get some "guy gamer stuff", and thankfully it's right next to the Joann's. With my trusty $25 gift card, I went in to conquer some of that 60%+ off fabric. I came home with all this:

$158 worth of fabric for $40. If you don't count the $25 gift card, I paid $15 total---that's about 10% of the price. Can you say JACKPOT!!

I'm planning on making a few tree skirts and some stockings for my family. If I have any left, I'll make gift bags out of it.

Have you shopped for your fabric yet?


  1. I am not going to shop for Christmas fabric this year. As I am taking this week to reorganize my sewing room, I have found more than 20 yards of Christmas fabric from years past. When added to various velvets, felts and ginghams, I have more than enough fabric to accomplish many Christmas projects. My plan is to combine wise stewardship of my time this year, so that I am not cramming all the sewing into December, with wise stewardship of my stash. I am so looking forward to this project!
    Away we go!

  2. You're smart, Goosegirl! I am wanting to be a better steward of my fabric too, and sew it all up. We have a very small home, and my fabric is really taking alot of space!

    I was all out of fabric from making fabric gift bags, so I was needing more. It was fun shopping, but I don't shop much for fabric--ever. Sometimes people give it to me. I think the last time I bought some was from Bobbi Jo--about $60/worth of it--but it was a great deal and I'm nowhere near using it up. :)

  3. I was too broke to buy fabrics when I was that way.... So I am going to live through you all!!!

  4. Bummer, G! I know that feeling though! I wouldn't have gotten any had I not had my gift card (thanks Britewingz!). I am looking forward to checking out the Christmas clearance fabric at Walmart tho--I hear it's just $1.22/yd. I can afford a little of that, I think!

  5. I have some material we just found in my to do pile! It is a candy cane theme type print. So I am going to make an APRON and if it turns out well, I am going to do a give away on my blog!

  6. My Tree Skirt fabric came today!!!!!!! Yay!!!!

  7. Yay, Barbara! I have my tree skirts ready to sandwich, I just have a really busy week ahead of me. Can't wait to see yours! :)
